This is a quick way to cutomise a plain t-shirt to make something personalised and original...
'Boyfriend fit' grey t-shirt |
What you need
A plain t-shirt
Some pretty material
Some cardboard (e.g. cereal packet)
Some thread which matches the colour of the material
A needle
An iron
Some scissors (pinking sheers if you have them)
Sewing machine (optional)
This could also be a clever way to cover a stain or hole in an old t-shirt or you could buy a cheap t-shirt like I did. A loose fitting t-shirt looks better for this laid back look.
The material I used was from an old summer dress that I don't wear any more. You could go for this approach or buy some really nice fabric you like the look of. You will only need a 'fat quarter' or 250cm material if that so even luxurious fabric won't be breaking the bank.
Step 3 |
- Draw the shape you want your pocket to be on the back of the cardboard and cut it out to make a template
- Iron your material (or a section of it)
- Draw round the cardboard template on the back of your material with a biro pen (you don't want the ink to show through it)
- Cut around the shape with an extra cm or so around the edge
- Iron the pocket shape with the extra cm of fabric folded under so there is a sharp crease
- Sew along the top line of the pocket (with a sewing machine if you have one)
- Pin the fabric to the t-shirt in the desired place (a tape measure or ruler may be useful here)
Step 7 - Sew carefully round the edge of the pocket, leaving the top of the pocket open. Take care not to sew through the back of the t-shirt! You can use a sewing machine here as well if you prefer.
And there you have it! A half hour project that you can wear with pride!
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